Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
Baldivis District Sporting Complex Master Plan, Baldivis, Western  Australia - A Sport & Recreation project for City of Rockingham by Hames Sharley
City of Rockingham
Baldivis, Western Australia
+ District Pavilion and flexible playing fields
+ Junior pavilion and 18 multi-purpose hard courts
+ Centralised community hub with Indoor Recreation Centre (3 courts), cafe, nature play, and skate park
+ Raised central pedestrian spine which connects all key site elements
+ Informal recreational path network connecting to retained vegetation
+ 450 parking bays
WA Football Commission - Football Facility of the Year Award - 2023
Ken Gannon Community Football Facilities Awards - Joint National Winner - 2023
Gary Mackintosh
Ryan Dunham
Project Website:
Visit the project's website

Baldivis District Sporting Complex is an innovative and contemporary multi-purpose sport and recreation facility that accommodates a wide range of activities for one of the fastest growing suburbs in Perth.

Hames Sharley led an interdisciplinary team in the preparation of a detailed master plan for the site. The design considered a number of key features such as environmentally significant vegetation (including over 500 trees), the unique landform, wetland buffer, bushfire setbacks, and existing residential interface issues.

The team undertook rigorous analysis including a review of the site and its surrounding context, sporting participation trends, benchmarking and concept options testing. The result is a master plan that balances functionality and site responsiveness, retaining 65% of vegetation and taking advantage of the natural viewing opportunities offered by the unique landform.

Our analysis of sport and recreation facility and participation trends determined that contemporary sporting precincts are more than a collection of playing fields; they are community hubs. In response to this, we challenged the brief from the outset and ensured that the precinct would act as a community node for all.

A cafe set among mature trees and shared walk/cycle paths connected to bushland attract a diverse user base of non-traditional sports participants. This means that the facilities will be used more often, generate more income, and promote social connectedness across different groups throughout the community, with a positive outcome for both physical and mental health.