A design focused on creating a healthy environment that is stimulating, responsive and encourages flexible behaviours, improved learning and productivity. The building fabric will naturally evolve to become an expression of its natural systems and orientation, but the surrounding external spaces need to be actively designed to meet social functions. This leads to a responsive approach that embraces the natural topography, views and gateways and gives focus to a diversity of uses and materials. Buildings that work better are more purposeful, more relevant and endure longer; and will assist communities by reducing ongoing expenses and improving usage levels.
Hames Sharley has extensive experience in creating office buildings that become desirable workplace environments. Workplaces are evolving, intensley used places. The space must have the capacity to adapt to meet the needs of an ever changing user group.
The demands on commercial space are many. The need for flexible space, positioning of the core, floor to window ratios, net to gross efficiencies and the need to meet increasing energy and water sustainability standards all inform the design process. Our designs incorporate many design variables that affect an organisation including floor plate efficiency and space flexibility for future needs, while still providing space that supports the way staff undertake their work - including team clusters, cellular spaces and break-out areas. Our designs emphasise team work and collaboration over hierarchy and insular work practices and concentrate on fostering a work-life balance within the environment.
We focus on the following key factors and consider them the cornerstones when designing for an evolving workplace:
Maximising space usage and identifying potential areas of growth in the building.
Creating multiple use spaces and spaces that support the whole.
Creating a workplace that can easily adapt to changing requirements and technologies.