12 Jul 2021
City Shapers Podcast: Flexibility and the demand for mixed-use developments
How can we continue to create better mixed-use developments for our communities? In this episode, Adam Di Marco speaks with Hames Sharley’s Director & Urban Development Portfolio Leader, Chris Maher and Principal & New South Wales Studio Leader Dustin Brade.
08 Jun 2021OneOneFive Hamilton Hill
Hames Sharley part of Development WA team that delivers innovative residential estate at OneOneFive Hamilton Hill
18 Feb 2021Boardwalk & light rail extensions signify a people’s place by the lake
Urban Planning for Acton Waterfront
16 Feb 2021Adelaide’s opportunity to be known as the world’s first city of wellbeing
Observations from the Wellcity Adelaide roundtables
19 Jan 2021Hames Sharley recognised in three categories for the UDIA Awards for Excellence
Alongside Essence Claremont, nominated for the High-Density Development award at the upcoming UDIA Awards for Excellence in February, Rebecca Spencer and Naden Scarfone from Hames Sharley’s Urban Development team have been shortlisted for their respective individual award categories.
07 Dec 2020Paving the way to a more sustainable future with Salt Lane
Often referred to as the “missing middle”, well-designed medium-density housing is undersupplied in the suburbs of Australia’s capital cities. With the recent announcement by the Western Australian Government on the draft Design WA Medium Density policy, it is timely Hames Sharley reflects on one such endeavour which certainly exceeds all future expectations…
25 Nov 2020The future of Broome explored at the 2020 PIA WA State Conference
The future vision of Broome was explored at the PIA WA State Conference this month, thanks to an enlightening presentation delivered by Senior Planner Rebecca Spencer, and Associate Naden Scarfone of Hames Sharley.
15 Nov 2020Connecting Perth’s eastern suburbs
As part of METRONET’s vision to create liveable communities connected by world-class public transport, Hames Sharley was commissioned to design the multi-storey car park for the future High Wycombe Station precinct in Perth, WA.