The Examining Perth’s Performing Arts Infrastructure report was launched in June 2013 by the Committee for Perth which included an analysis of existing and likely future demand for the performing arts infrastructure in Perth, the existing gaps and priority needs and also what is required to make Perth a liveable and vibrant city into the future.
The research was undertaken by Marion Fulker, CEO of the Committee for Perth; Hames Sharley; Insight Communication and Design; Gemma Davies and Jacqueline Larson.
The project took eight months to complete with Hames Sharley conducting a major audit of existing performing arts venues and facilities within Perth and Peel region. The audit focused on commercial venues with a seating capacity of 200 or more, that offer ticketed performances and available for public hire. The selection of venues considered was informed by discussion with the Department of Culture and Arts.
35 venues from across the region met the required criteria and were included in the study ranging from intimate indoor theatre spaces to large outdoor arenas and stadia.
The report concluded that Perth’s cultural centre is flourishing with attendance and interest in the performing arts increasing. However, the ongoing rapid population and economic growth meant the current infrastructure available was not appropriate to meet demand over the next decade.
The report also concluded that very substantial medium and long-term investment in performing arts infrastructure will be required to meet demands and to help position Perth as a global leader in the arts alongside our other major capital cities such as Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.
View Report Here.