In another step forward for the Northern Territory Government’s cultural investment program, Hames Sharley has been appointed to lead a stakeholder engagement program for the 10-Year Museums Master Plan for Darwin and Palmerston.
An integral part of this study is to consult directly with relevant members of the Northern Territory community to seek their views on the priorities and future investment in arts and cultural facilities in Darwin and Palmerston.
The aims of this study are to:
- Support efforts to revitalise the Darwin and Palmerston CBD’s and contribute to lifting the Northern Territory’s tourism product;
- Review the existing cultural facilities and activities in Darwin and Palmerston to assess future needs; and
- Provide a framework and direction for the development of cultural infrastructure in Darwin and Palmerston, including museums, galleries, libraries, art centres and keeping places.
Minister for Tourism and Culture Lauren Moss said the consultation program would seek community and stakeholder feedback to help prioritise the Territory Government’s investment in the infrastructure of Darwin and Palmerston cultural facilities.
“Hames Sharley is a highly regarded national practice with a very strong local presence and in the coming weeks, they will deliver an online ‘Have your say’ opportunity, as well as conduct public consultation sessions in both Darwin and Palmerston.
“Hames Sharley has a long track record of successful community engagement with experience in museum development, architectural design and town planning/urban design.
“I look forward to receiving the final report at the end of October,” Ms Moss said.
Hames Sharley Northern Territory Studio Manager Adam Prentice said the consultation programme included a range of direct stakeholder meetings which would begin next week.
“Our report to Government will capture the aspirations of the Northern Territory community.
“Our previous experience working on museums and other cultural facilities in WA and NSW has shown us the benefits of communities having direct input into the ideas, aspirations and creation of these important cultural institutions
“The scope of the program includes Darwin and Palmerston based museums, libraries, art galleries and keeping places.
Consultation on the new Museum of the Northern Territory will be conducted through a separate consultation process to be announced in the coming month.